Why we love rule breakers in fashion.

27, July 2015
  • No Similar Looks Available

I firmly believe that 90 percent of the confusion that women feel when they are attempting to put together an occasion- specific ensemble is caused by fear: fear of breaking the fashion rules, fear of violating some long-forgotten tradition or the basic fear of looking bad. However, any undertaking based on fear is likely to fail- or at the very least, it won’t be much fun. And style is all about fun. Getting dressed for an occasion should not induce anxiety. It should be  an exciting  challenge to communicate who you are to the world, without saying a word. It should be a whisper as to who you are. The most fabulous style icons are those women who know what the rules are and have the confidence to ignore them, push  things to the edge, and yet flawlessly keep within the confines of what’s appropriate.

Queen Elizabeth I personified the concept of dressing to impress. Her extravagant style influenced men and women throughout England and beyond and  intimidated her opponents. She lived by the philosophy that “more is more” and in so doing created an empire.

Overbearing, too stringent rules are the enemy of true style. But there are clues, contexts, and a fashion language that exists in any given situation. There is a right time and place for everything. This is completely true for matters of style. Each moment calls for a different  stylistic essence and  a different sense of impact, and mastery of the balance is an art form. The key to style success is knowing what the essence is, and knowing how to effortlessly communicate in the language of fashion.

Take for example this white Versace leather dress from the house of Versace who’s mantra is “more is more”.  The shape of the dress is  a classic a line, but with the houses’ love of experimentation and innovation the dress is made of white  leather. And enhanced with silver metal detailed studs throughout the dress. The skirt  portion  bears pleating that gives it a gladiator look. The choice of color may not be bold but the choice of material is. Again the balance between bold and subtle.  This is what real authentic style is. It comes from within  and is a reflection of how you live your life, a product of who you are.

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