The color of elegance

27, March 2016
  • No Similar Looks Available
Black and white because they can not exist without one another, because they are the colors of Chanel. Black trumps all -black reveals a woman's radiance, it is the color of elegance. Inside Chanel there are a set of canons a discipline , a grammar  that is used abundantly in design. Chanel women bleed black and white and know this discipline. The... read MORE

Your new detailed everyday look

26, March 2016
  • No Similar Looks Available
I have a deep love for all that is glamorous and embrace the new but also appreciate timeless style. I take into consideration my personality when I dress and yet have an instinct for what will make a grand entrance. This season's fashions have arrived with light fabrics  and details .This black and white dress from Zara combines many trendy style... read MORE