With perfect pitch, Karl Lagerfeld has dashed off yet another virtuoso demonstration of how to play up and down the classic Chanel scale in this gorgeous Chanel jacket. Just a classic jacket from the iconic Chanel house that is up -tempo light and girly in such a cute color! What an amazing jacket! Attracting all the attention to the pearls and classic Chanel buttons. This simple Chanel jacket condenses everything that can be thoroughly Chanel, yet completely du jour. I have dashed off a sporty look with this Versace leggings teamed with the Chanel jacket, but this look is mostly about this want-able Chanel jacket! And for the final ta-da moment did you see the Louis Vuitton shoes? Chanel jackets can be worn over and over proving useful season after season. I have been wearing this Chanel jacket for a few seasons and have not run out of different out fits to pair it with. I find that jackets like this Chanel jacket suit my life style and makes it real easy to express my personal style. When I need something for instant chic I can throw on this Chanel jacket over any out fit and achieve that goal!
Chanel secrets of chic
21, June 2017
- Jacket: Chanel,
- Leggings: Versace,
- Shoes: Louis Vuitton,
- Necklace: Roberto Cavalli,
- No Similar Looks Available